Weeks update- working at home + problem solving

In these couple of weeks I have decided to work at home. I felt like this was a very good decision. In College I always feel distracted and a lot of the time I have issues installing drivers so I end up wasting a lot of the time. Where at home I have my art workspace all set-up and ready for me to crack on with my project.

I also felt really unwell and too weak to come in but that didn’t stop me from carrying on working on my fmp at home.


The problems I have with the project are luckily small. I’m struggling to get the right perspective on the character’s arms and her legs the right length and size for the low perspective. I knew that the low-perspective I chose to paint the character in, was not going to be an easy choice but I still decided to push my limits and overstep my skill level and try new things.

I’m slowly progressing and finding new reference photos for the perspective that I need so hopefully I will manage to find the right one and finish painting and start animating, which won’t take that long at all.


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